søndag den 15. september 2013

Go Nationals!!

"This is America!" sagde min host dad, da vi ankom til Nationals Park ved middagstid. Jeg var spændt på en dag i sportens tegn trods det, at jeg normalt ikke er typen. Baseball kamp - Washington Nationals mod Philadelphia Phillies - var på programmet, og jeg var super glad for, at min host familie tog mig med. Det var sådan en dejlig dag, og jeg er allerede dybt fascineret af den amerikanske sportsånd. Vil afsted igen altså, og næste gang skal den stå på amerikansk fodbold! 
Min host dad havde købt billetter så PNC Diamond Lounge var inkluderet, hvilket betød, at vi startede  ud med frokost i loungen inden kampstart. Vildt lækkert med spis og drik alt hvad du kan - dog var maden i typisk amerikanerstil. Efter frokost skulle børnene lige have det rette outfit til kampen, så med matchende tøj og kasket var de klar til at heppe Washington til sejr. Vi havde rigtig gode pladser, og vi blev serviceret af personale, så snart vi havde brug for det. Ja mad og drikke under selve kampen var også inkluderet - det rene lukus. Kampen varede lidt over fire timer, og stemningen var i top. Selve spillet var en smule langtrukken, men blev dog piftet op af musik og underholdning som "The President run", hvor amerikanske præsidentmaskotter skulle løbe om kap. Kampen sluttede med en sikker sejr til the Nationals (11-2), og især min mindste dreng var helt høj over resultatet. Alt i alt var det en super hyggelig dag og ikke mindst en god oplevelse. Jeg nyder alle de dejlige ting, jeg oplever her, prøver at fokusere på alt det gode samt værtsatte de mennesker, jeg har omkring mig. Her til aften kom min host mom op på værelset med en lille gave til mig - en tøset National T-shirt fra Victoria Secrets. Kunne man ønske sig en bedre hostfamilie? 

Translate: "This is America!" said my host dad when we arrived at Nationals Park. I was excited! A whole day of sports, and I'm usually not the type. Baseball Game - Washington Nationals vs Philadelphia Phillies - was on the program and I was happy that my host family invited me to the game. It was such a lovely day and I'm already fascinated by the American sports passion. Want to see more, and the next time it must be American Football. My host dad had bought tickets with PNC Diamond Lounge included, so we had lunch in the lounge before game start. Eat and drink all you can - nice! After lunch, the children had to get the right outfit for the game, so with matching clothes and cap, they were ready to cheer Washington to success. We had really good seats, and we were served by staff as soon as we needed it. Yes food and drink during the game were also included - nothing to complain about haha. The match lasted around four hours, and the atmosphere was great. The game was a little bit boring in the long run, but it was still a lot of fun. The match ended with a triumph to the Nationals (11-2), and especially my youngest boy was quite happy for the result. It was such a great experience. I enjoy all the wonderful things I experienced here and I really appreciate the people I have next to me. This evening, my host mom went to my room with a small gift for me - a National T-shirt from Victoria Secrets. Could I ask for a better host family? The answer is no! 

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